The jury of the international literary Prize “Gina Labriola” 2014 announced the winners on Janaury 17, 2015. These are the winners:
- 1° prize ex aequo category C, adults: "Il Castello" by Gentjan Kovaci (Chiaromonte)
- 1° prize ex aequo category C, adults: "La vendetta del munaciello" by Davide by Finizio (Napoli)
- 1° prize category B, 13-18 yars old: Gioielli mortali by Maria Sofia Salvia
- 1° prize ex aequo category A, 6-12 yars old: "Il leone vegetariano" by Edoardo Maria Zampetti
- 1° prize ex aequo category A, 6-12 yars old: "Mistery of Ciampino" by Cristiano Mignano e Aurora Piras
- Best foreign text category C: "La Bréhaigne" by Anne-Marie Landru
Special mentions:
Category A
- La fata by Ginevra Mignano
- Elsa la strega di Triora by Luca Anfossi
- Strega da paura by Lidia Ceresa
Category B
- Dispetto by Giulia Vannucchi
- La leggenda del fiume Eloro by Nunzio Bellassai
- Palma uomini si nasce briganti si diventa by Rosa Scarlato
- La voce di rosania by Valentina Barbieri
- Mira, l'angelo figlia del diavolo by Viola Peroni
- Amali by Sara D'Amico
Category C
- Il gatto e la regina by Redenta Formisano
- Una Strega by Erica Di Antonio
- Alla fine dell’arcobaleno by Salvatore Di Sante
- Io sono il passatore by Vanes Ferlini
- La bellezza è nel cuore di chi guarda by Roberta Boscolo Mela
- Il pozzo del castello by Silvia Benincà
- La ninna nanna delle montagne by Davide Maceroni
- A' cerza da' magara by Francesca Anili
- L'orologio magico by Paolo Pergolari
- Benvegnuda by Giovanni Raza
- L'albero della gioia by Antonietta Di Lorenzo
- La Stria by Elso Avalle
- Il principe che non sapeva fare domande by Elena Lampugnani
- Remmo by Mariagabriella Licata
- La cima di Strega by Michela Coriandolo
- Nocivo by Paolo Meneghini
- Il Benandante di Aquileia by Francesca Pellegrin
Read also:
The jury of the international literary Prize “Gina Labriola” 2013 announced the winners on November 24. These are the winners:
- 1st Prize C section, adults: “Le Masche” by Ivana Trevisani Bach (Savona)
- 1st Prize B section, 13-18 years old: “Bernhardtrouchka - la scandaleuse” by Alix Brun (Lyon, France)
- 1st Prize A section, 6-12 years old: “Le due magare” (The two witches) by Martina Petrosino (Cosenza, Italy)
- Special Prize for the best text in a foreign language (other than Italian) C section: “L’Homme au désert fatal” (The Man of the Fatal Desert) by Lofty Ben Letaifa (Tunisia)
Special mentions:
- Albergo ad ore, Arnaldo Manuele
- Brigante, Benedetta Fera
- Chiaraluce e lo gnomo Selvaggio, Giorgio Baro
- Gente di Monferrato, Elso Avalle
- Il segreto del mulino triste, Dario Bruni
- La Mappa di un sogno, Ivan Mugnaini
- La terra delle stelle cadenti, Emilio D'Andrea
- Les Légendes de la Lande, Karine Rondier
- M'Hand e M'Hand, i due figli del re, Adolfo Sergio Omodeo
- Mistero, Bruno Bianco
- Quelle que soit la grandeur du danger..., Marius Sambou
- Siamo fatti della stessa sostanza di cui sono fatti i nonni, Giuseppe Labate
Read also:
How to participate
The literary prize “Gina Labriola, tales of brigands, witches, goblins and other marginals” is open to everybody, young and adults! To participate, you just need to fill in the application form and send your literary work. Prizes range from 500€ to 1,000€.
Gina Labriola
Gina Labriola was and remains Lucania’s best ambassadress around the world. Born in Chiaromonte, Labriola went on to graduate with a degree in classics. She chose Paris as her base, but lived in Iran for eleven years, working for the Italian Culture Institute in Tehran. During this time, she worked with ISMEO (the Italian institute for the middle and far east), she was a correspondent for ANSA, the Italian press agency, and a lecturer at the University of Tehran.
Following her Persian stay, Labriola got married in Barcelona, Spain. She became a language and Italian literature teacher at the university of Rennes in Brittany, France.
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